Thursday, May 24, 2012
VEL_BABY *Blogs*: THE MOST FASHIONABLE COUPLE???? When Kim Kardashia...
VEL_BABY *Blogs*: THE MOST FASHIONABLE COUPLE???? When Kim Kardashia...: THE MOST FASHIONABLE COUPLE???? When Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Hit Up The RED CARPET Together . . . They Make EACH OTHER Look Better!!! ...
Glibness and Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
Incapacity for Love
Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.
Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
At This Point I Just Classify Characteristics!!! But Be MindFul 4 Every Action Is A Reaction... And Every Effect Has A Rooted Cause!!!
The scientific study of psychological disorders is known as 'Abnormal Psychology'. When one deviates from a norm, or the accepted behavior in a society or culture, people term it as abnormal behavior. Abnormal psychology is studied, researched and treated by clinical psychologist, psychiatrists and social workers. Personality disorders are similar to physical illness. There are different types of psychological conditions that can affect an individual. The many myths pertain to the term 'mental', as one can't see the chemical imbalance in the brain. The person suffering from such psychological imbalances himself doesn't realize, what is going wrong with him. History shows how people misunderstood the abnormal personality disorders and imprisoned or banished patients from the main society.
History of Abnormal Psychology
People have suffered from abnormal psychology personality disorders since the Stone Age. These abnormal personality disorders were not understood as clinical manifestations, but the work of demons, ghosts and evil spirits. This gave rise to stories of witches and wizards, witch-crafts and magic. These personality disorders were treated using a method known as 'Trepanation'. Trepanation was practiced in the prehistoric era, classical and Renaissance periods. The procedure for this spine chilling procedure was to drill a hole in the skull exposing the dura mater for treating the personality disorder. This process was used for treating seizures and many more mental illnesses.
Hippocrates was the first to point out brain as the root cause for these abnormal psychological personality disorders. Mentally ill patients were treated as outcasts and were socially abolished. They were kept under inhumane conditions and were treated with demonological methods. Patients died or were permanently disabled due to the cruel methods adopted for treating personality disorders. The Salem Witch Trial in 1692, is the proof of many innocent people with or without mental disorders being sentenced to prison or death. Bethlehem Hospital in London was the first hospital to be converted into a mental asylum. Philippe Pinet (1745-1826), a Frenchman who was then the chief physician at La Bicetre asylum in Paris, believed the mental disorder patients as sick who needed kindness and care. He is one of the great humanitarians who ordered to remove chains from patients at the Paris asylum for insane women. The other humanistic psychotherapists were Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Ivan Pavlov, J.B Watson and B.F. Skinner.
What is Personality Disorder?
The fourth (1994) edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) defines personality disorder as "'enduring pattern(s) of inner experience and behavior that are sufficiently rigid and deep-seated to bring a person into repeated conflicts with his or her social and occupational environment."
Each and every person has a personality. The way a person thinks, behaves and expresses emotions are specific to each individual. These traits, specific to an individual mindset get converted into personality disorders, when the behavior becomes extreme and inflexible. Most of the personality disorders take birth in childhood and develop into a full-blown personality disorder in adulthood. Any trauma emotion or mental, suffered during childhood, may lead to personality disorder. People with personality disorders are affected by their own thinking about themselves and the world around them. They experience emotions different from the normal pattern and function differently in society. They cannot control their impulses at times and become a danger to themselves and others around them.
Types of Personality Disorders
There are 10 types of personality disorders that are arranged in three clusters:
• Cluster A: The personality disorders that are odd or eccentric are grouped in Cluster A. These disorders include suspicious behavior like:
• Cluster B: The personality disorders that are related to emotional or erratic disorders are grouped under Cluster B. These emotional and impulsive behavior disorders include:
• Cluster C: Anxious or fearful disorders are clubbed together under Cluster C. These anxious behavior include:
Obsessive compulsive
It has been found that one person may fall under various categories. Thus, need treatment for various disorders simultaneously or an unconventional line of psychotherapy. The various personality disorders are explained in the following paragraphs.
CLUSTER A ~ People with a Difference
Paranoid personality disorder:
People categorized under paranoid personality disorder show distrust and are suspicious of people around them. These people will suspect every move of others. Everything one says, does or wants, will be suspected as deceiving, harmful or exploiting. They tend to hold grudges and will lose no opportunity to inflict insults, slights and injuries on others. They will suspect and doubt their partners fidelity and will show no trust on them. However, these people who suffer from paranoid personality disorder do not suffer from auditory hallucinations, and their beliefs are well under the line of reality.
Schizoid personality disorder:
The person with schizoid personality disorder becomes detached from social interactions and relationships. The emotional expression of these people is restricted. They neither have any desires and they do not form close relationships like being a part of family. They are mostly loners and have little interest in sexual relationships. You will find them to be extremely detached and emotionally cold.
Schizotypical personality disorder:
This behavior is marked by pervasive pattern of interpersonal behavior. The person faces discomfort in social settings and has reduced capacity for close relationships. Their thinking and perception power becomes distorted and exhibit eccentric behavior. They form odd beliefs and fantasies. These people have an odd way of speaking or thinking. They have a strong notion about telepathy or sixth-sense.
CLUSTER B ~ I, Me, Myself
Antisocial personality disorder:
Patients with antisocial personality disorder have little or no regards for others and violate the rights of people around them. They are generally referred as psychopaths or sociopath. They fail to conform to a given norm and will break all rules, that leads to their arrest. They are used to lying, conning people and using aliases mostly for personal gain and pleasure. They never show remorse for their actions and never honor any emotional or financial obligations.
Borderline personality disorder:
Patients show instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, moods and controlling of impulses. Borderline personality disorder patients are often confused about their career goals, personal values and even their sexual orientation. These people often threaten to attempt suicide. Their interpersonal relationships are often unstable. Their own identity is unstable and often have different views of self. They have suicidal tendencies and inclined towards self-mutilating behavior. These people often have a chronic feeling of emptiness and tend to show dissociative personality symptoms. These people are extremely manipulative and have little or no empathy. They have a knack of pulling people towards them, then neglecting them and again bring the same person close to them. One is confused about their real nature as they keep changing their personality like one changes clothes.
Histrionic personality disorder:
Patients with histrionic personality disorder are hungry for attention, over emotional and over dramatic. They draw people towards them by their flirtatious or seductive nature. But they, themselves, are emotionally shallow. They are easily bored and live in their own romantic, sweet world. They become extremely uncomfortable when the center of attention shifts from them. These patients show extreme self-dramatization and can easily influence any person with their exaggerated emotional expressions. These people often show sexually seductive or provocative behavior that is beyond the limit of appropriate interaction.
Narcissistic personality disorder:
In this disorder patients are craving for admiration, self-importance and show lack of empathy. They cannot stand criticism or losing to someone. These people often exaggerate their talents, achievements and feel superior to others. They feel they are special, and can only be understood by people who are equally talented or unique. They will take advantage of any person or situation till they get what they want. They feel others are envious of them and will themselves show signs of heightened envy. Haughty behavior sprinkled with arrogant attitudes can be a sign of narcissistic personality.
CLUSTER C ~ I'm Not Sure, I'm Nervous... Do You Think I Look Okay???
Avoidant personality disorder:
Such patients with avoidant personality disorder have feelings of social inhibitions and fear rejections. They shy away from developing close relationships. They fear criticism and humiliation. These patients often are unwilling to get involved in relationships or activities, as they fear humiliation and rejection. They feel they have an unappealing personality or are inferior to others in some way. These people are shy and awkward, who want to make friends and be a part of a social structure, but are afraid of rejection.
Dependent personality disorder:
Patients suffering from dependent personality disorder are afraid of being on their own. They develop submissive behavior as they do not want to displease or hurt people. They have separation anxiety and often ask guidance from people and do not take decisions on their own. They often give up their responsibilities to others as they cannot handle it. They will often do things they do not like as they want the support or acceptance of others. When they lose one relationships, they will willing jump to form another that will offer them care and support.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder:
These patients are preoccupied with keeping order, attaining perfection, cleanliness, mental and interpersonal control. They spend their time following a strict schedule, rule or plans and will not be flexible or open to change. They face problems in their personal and professional lives as they want things to be done their way. These people are often inflexible when it comes to morals, ethics or personal values. They will find it extremely difficult to delegate tasks as they fear others won't do it exactly how it should be done.
Cause of Personality Disorder
Most of the causes of personality disorders of a patient lies in his or her childhood. Parental upbringing, social pressures, one's personality and physical, mental or sexual abuse germinate personality disorders in childhood. The other causes of personality disorders may include hereditary traits passed on by parents like shyness or anger. Antisocial personality disorder, which generally has a biological cause is more common in men. Women tend to suffer from dependent personality disorder. Certain biochemical imbalances in the brain also lead to personality disorders. Environmental factors and family background also contribute towards the causes of personality disorders.
Symptoms of Personality Disorder
Personality disorder symptoms are specific to each type of abnormal psychological personality disorders. The general personality disorder symptoms are classified as:
Frequent mood swings
Unstable relationships
Isolating oneself from social interactions
Anger outburst
Mistrust and suspicion of family and friends
Difficulty in making friends
Alcohol or drug abuse
Poor impulse control
Suicidal tendency
Inflicting harm on others without provocation
Treatment of Personality Disorders
Treatment of personality disorders have drastically changed over the years. Patients are no longer treated inhumanely. Treatments available today, aim to control the disorder and introduce the patient back into the society. As personality disorders are mostly chronic disorders, a patient may require life-long treatment. The treatment includes:
Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy involves talking to the patient regarding the condition and issues related to the disorder. The patient learns about his moods, feelings and behavior during the psychotherapy sessions. The different types of psychotherapy includes cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoeducation. Psychotherapy may be group session or individual sessions.
Drug Therapy: Medications like antidepressants, mood stabilizing medications, antianxiety medications and anti-psychotic medications are prescribed by doctors to help treat and control personality disorders.
Hospitalization and Rehabilitation: Some extreme conditions may require psychiatric hospitalization. When a patient becomes extremely violent or is unable to take care of himself, hospitalization is recommended. Many times people who get treated for psychological disorders need rehabilitation before entering the social structure.
Controlling Personality Disorder
It is a very difficult task to control personality disorder. One needs to improve the coping skills in order to overcome personality disorder. The patient needs to set reasonable goals to achieve in life. Speak to the therapist, family and friends for coping with the changes. Maintaining a daily dairy where one can write all the pain, anger, ill-will and negative emotions can also help in controlling personality disorders. Participation in social gatherings and friends get-together will help a person overcome social anxiety and keep away from feelings of social isolation. Support groups help connect with people with similar disorder and help one another to overcome similar challenges. Following a healthy diet and giving up on alcohol and other substance use are among the other things that the person can do to improve his condition. With a little determination and self-belief one can overcome abnormal psychological personality disorder. If someone you know is suffering from personality disorder, get over all the myths and fiction and help the person seek medical attention. With love, support and understanding one can help patients of personality disorder overcome their abnormality.
History of Abnormal Psychology
People have suffered from abnormal psychology personality disorders since the Stone Age. These abnormal personality disorders were not understood as clinical manifestations, but the work of demons, ghosts and evil spirits. This gave rise to stories of witches and wizards, witch-crafts and magic. These personality disorders were treated using a method known as 'Trepanation'. Trepanation was practiced in the prehistoric era, classical and Renaissance periods. The procedure for this spine chilling procedure was to drill a hole in the skull exposing the dura mater for treating the personality disorder. This process was used for treating seizures and many more mental illnesses.
Hippocrates was the first to point out brain as the root cause for these abnormal psychological personality disorders. Mentally ill patients were treated as outcasts and were socially abolished. They were kept under inhumane conditions and were treated with demonological methods. Patients died or were permanently disabled due to the cruel methods adopted for treating personality disorders. The Salem Witch Trial in 1692, is the proof of many innocent people with or without mental disorders being sentenced to prison or death. Bethlehem Hospital in London was the first hospital to be converted into a mental asylum. Philippe Pinet (1745-1826), a Frenchman who was then the chief physician at La Bicetre asylum in Paris, believed the mental disorder patients as sick who needed kindness and care. He is one of the great humanitarians who ordered to remove chains from patients at the Paris asylum for insane women. The other humanistic psychotherapists were Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Ivan Pavlov, J.B Watson and B.F. Skinner.
What is Personality Disorder?
The fourth (1994) edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) defines personality disorder as "'enduring pattern(s) of inner experience and behavior that are sufficiently rigid and deep-seated to bring a person into repeated conflicts with his or her social and occupational environment."
Each and every person has a personality. The way a person thinks, behaves and expresses emotions are specific to each individual. These traits, specific to an individual mindset get converted into personality disorders, when the behavior becomes extreme and inflexible. Most of the personality disorders take birth in childhood and develop into a full-blown personality disorder in adulthood. Any trauma emotion or mental, suffered during childhood, may lead to personality disorder. People with personality disorders are affected by their own thinking about themselves and the world around them. They experience emotions different from the normal pattern and function differently in society. They cannot control their impulses at times and become a danger to themselves and others around them.
Types of Personality Disorders
There are 10 types of personality disorders that are arranged in three clusters:
• Cluster A: The personality disorders that are odd or eccentric are grouped in Cluster A. These disorders include suspicious behavior like:
• Cluster B: The personality disorders that are related to emotional or erratic disorders are grouped under Cluster B. These emotional and impulsive behavior disorders include:
• Cluster C: Anxious or fearful disorders are clubbed together under Cluster C. These anxious behavior include:
Obsessive compulsive
It has been found that one person may fall under various categories. Thus, need treatment for various disorders simultaneously or an unconventional line of psychotherapy. The various personality disorders are explained in the following paragraphs.
CLUSTER A ~ People with a Difference
Paranoid personality disorder:
People categorized under paranoid personality disorder show distrust and are suspicious of people around them. These people will suspect every move of others. Everything one says, does or wants, will be suspected as deceiving, harmful or exploiting. They tend to hold grudges and will lose no opportunity to inflict insults, slights and injuries on others. They will suspect and doubt their partners fidelity and will show no trust on them. However, these people who suffer from paranoid personality disorder do not suffer from auditory hallucinations, and their beliefs are well under the line of reality.
Schizoid personality disorder:
The person with schizoid personality disorder becomes detached from social interactions and relationships. The emotional expression of these people is restricted. They neither have any desires and they do not form close relationships like being a part of family. They are mostly loners and have little interest in sexual relationships. You will find them to be extremely detached and emotionally cold.
Schizotypical personality disorder:
This behavior is marked by pervasive pattern of interpersonal behavior. The person faces discomfort in social settings and has reduced capacity for close relationships. Their thinking and perception power becomes distorted and exhibit eccentric behavior. They form odd beliefs and fantasies. These people have an odd way of speaking or thinking. They have a strong notion about telepathy or sixth-sense.
CLUSTER B ~ I, Me, Myself
Antisocial personality disorder:
Patients with antisocial personality disorder have little or no regards for others and violate the rights of people around them. They are generally referred as psychopaths or sociopath. They fail to conform to a given norm and will break all rules, that leads to their arrest. They are used to lying, conning people and using aliases mostly for personal gain and pleasure. They never show remorse for their actions and never honor any emotional or financial obligations.
Borderline personality disorder:
Patients show instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, moods and controlling of impulses. Borderline personality disorder patients are often confused about their career goals, personal values and even their sexual orientation. These people often threaten to attempt suicide. Their interpersonal relationships are often unstable. Their own identity is unstable and often have different views of self. They have suicidal tendencies and inclined towards self-mutilating behavior. These people often have a chronic feeling of emptiness and tend to show dissociative personality symptoms. These people are extremely manipulative and have little or no empathy. They have a knack of pulling people towards them, then neglecting them and again bring the same person close to them. One is confused about their real nature as they keep changing their personality like one changes clothes.
Histrionic personality disorder:
Patients with histrionic personality disorder are hungry for attention, over emotional and over dramatic. They draw people towards them by their flirtatious or seductive nature. But they, themselves, are emotionally shallow. They are easily bored and live in their own romantic, sweet world. They become extremely uncomfortable when the center of attention shifts from them. These patients show extreme self-dramatization and can easily influence any person with their exaggerated emotional expressions. These people often show sexually seductive or provocative behavior that is beyond the limit of appropriate interaction.
Narcissistic personality disorder:
In this disorder patients are craving for admiration, self-importance and show lack of empathy. They cannot stand criticism or losing to someone. These people often exaggerate their talents, achievements and feel superior to others. They feel they are special, and can only be understood by people who are equally talented or unique. They will take advantage of any person or situation till they get what they want. They feel others are envious of them and will themselves show signs of heightened envy. Haughty behavior sprinkled with arrogant attitudes can be a sign of narcissistic personality.
CLUSTER C ~ I'm Not Sure, I'm Nervous... Do You Think I Look Okay???
Avoidant personality disorder:
Such patients with avoidant personality disorder have feelings of social inhibitions and fear rejections. They shy away from developing close relationships. They fear criticism and humiliation. These patients often are unwilling to get involved in relationships or activities, as they fear humiliation and rejection. They feel they have an unappealing personality or are inferior to others in some way. These people are shy and awkward, who want to make friends and be a part of a social structure, but are afraid of rejection.
Dependent personality disorder:
Patients suffering from dependent personality disorder are afraid of being on their own. They develop submissive behavior as they do not want to displease or hurt people. They have separation anxiety and often ask guidance from people and do not take decisions on their own. They often give up their responsibilities to others as they cannot handle it. They will often do things they do not like as they want the support or acceptance of others. When they lose one relationships, they will willing jump to form another that will offer them care and support.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder:
These patients are preoccupied with keeping order, attaining perfection, cleanliness, mental and interpersonal control. They spend their time following a strict schedule, rule or plans and will not be flexible or open to change. They face problems in their personal and professional lives as they want things to be done their way. These people are often inflexible when it comes to morals, ethics or personal values. They will find it extremely difficult to delegate tasks as they fear others won't do it exactly how it should be done.
Cause of Personality Disorder
Most of the causes of personality disorders of a patient lies in his or her childhood. Parental upbringing, social pressures, one's personality and physical, mental or sexual abuse germinate personality disorders in childhood. The other causes of personality disorders may include hereditary traits passed on by parents like shyness or anger. Antisocial personality disorder, which generally has a biological cause is more common in men. Women tend to suffer from dependent personality disorder. Certain biochemical imbalances in the brain also lead to personality disorders. Environmental factors and family background also contribute towards the causes of personality disorders.
Symptoms of Personality Disorder
Personality disorder symptoms are specific to each type of abnormal psychological personality disorders. The general personality disorder symptoms are classified as:
Frequent mood swings
Unstable relationships
Isolating oneself from social interactions
Anger outburst
Mistrust and suspicion of family and friends
Difficulty in making friends
Alcohol or drug abuse
Poor impulse control
Suicidal tendency
Inflicting harm on others without provocation
Treatment of Personality Disorders
Treatment of personality disorders have drastically changed over the years. Patients are no longer treated inhumanely. Treatments available today, aim to control the disorder and introduce the patient back into the society. As personality disorders are mostly chronic disorders, a patient may require life-long treatment. The treatment includes:
Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy involves talking to the patient regarding the condition and issues related to the disorder. The patient learns about his moods, feelings and behavior during the psychotherapy sessions. The different types of psychotherapy includes cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoeducation. Psychotherapy may be group session or individual sessions.
Drug Therapy: Medications like antidepressants, mood stabilizing medications, antianxiety medications and anti-psychotic medications are prescribed by doctors to help treat and control personality disorders.
Hospitalization and Rehabilitation: Some extreme conditions may require psychiatric hospitalization. When a patient becomes extremely violent or is unable to take care of himself, hospitalization is recommended. Many times people who get treated for psychological disorders need rehabilitation before entering the social structure.
Controlling Personality Disorder
It is a very difficult task to control personality disorder. One needs to improve the coping skills in order to overcome personality disorder. The patient needs to set reasonable goals to achieve in life. Speak to the therapist, family and friends for coping with the changes. Maintaining a daily dairy where one can write all the pain, anger, ill-will and negative emotions can also help in controlling personality disorders. Participation in social gatherings and friends get-together will help a person overcome social anxiety and keep away from feelings of social isolation. Support groups help connect with people with similar disorder and help one another to overcome similar challenges. Following a healthy diet and giving up on alcohol and other substance use are among the other things that the person can do to improve his condition. With a little determination and self-belief one can overcome abnormal psychological personality disorder. If someone you know is suffering from personality disorder, get over all the myths and fiction and help the person seek medical attention. With love, support and understanding one can help patients of personality disorder overcome their abnormality.
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Friday, May 18, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Through My Small Life Span I And Most Ppl On Earth Have Experienced A Plethora Of People!!! Different Tup Of People All Shapes N Sizes And All Types Of Attitudes!!! Me At My Present Age 30 My Tolerance Hust Won't Allow BS!!! Yooo I Know With My Family , Friends,Etc. give My All Actually Too Much Of My Self And My Heart And All That Does Is Make A Certain Type Of Person Take Your KindNess For WeakNess!!! It's Not For You A A Person To Always Jump To Yhe Defensive Butttt Be MindFul That There R Ppl out Here That Seek To Hurt You For WHATEVER REASON!!! I'm Not Saying Be Just As hurtful To Them As They R To U But NEVER EVER EVER Let Your Defences Down Cuz As SOON AS U DO THE PERSON PUT TO GET YOU GETS A SPARK!!! A Spark From Down Within Ha Says Lemme TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SITUATION,And HURT THIS PERSON CUZZZ I KNOW IF I DO OR SAY THIS It's Gonna REALLY HURT this Person!!! I DON'T GET IT YO But It Makes Me Pray Cuz I 👀👀👀 🔥🔥🔥 N I Wanna Retaliate Yoooo But It Comes A Time Where You Have To Show The Ppl Attempting To Hurt That You Can B JUST A VICIOUS!!! JUST AS VICIOUS JUST AS VICIOUS JUST AS VICIOUS!!! SO NE Partee Attempting To Hate On Me And Or Come Againgst Me I Have NOOO CHOICE BUT TO RETIRN THE FAVOR SOOOO WHAT EVER BOUNTY RYAN CAMERON HAS PLACED ON MY HEAD SOOOO BE IT I WILL NEVER EVER EVER CLOSE MY MOUTH TO SUM1 INSULTING MY INTEGRITY OR NAME !!! #THATISALL
GORGEOUS COUPLE!!! R&B Superstar MONICA And Her BALLER Husband May Be The BEST LOOKING COUPLE . . . In The Game!!! - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012
THEY R THE PERFECT COUPLE YOOO!!! Personally I'm Very Happy For Monica And Shannon!!! Especially When U Been In An Abusive Relationship Whether It Be Physical Or Mental!!! SHE DESERVED TEW B BLESSED WITH SUM1 WHO REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVES HER!!! And As Far As Her Album Sales ***MO*** Sis I Supported I Copped It Soooo CONGRATS ***MO*** Ya Bro ***VEL*** ~~~ GORGEOUS COUPLE!!! R&B Superstar MONICA And Her BALLER Husband May Be The BEST LOOKING COUPLE . . . In The Game!!! - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012
OOOOOH SNAP!!! You Know Jada Pinkett Smiths Mom . . . That LOVELY Elegant Looking Lady . . . Well She Used To Be A BALTIMORE CRACKHEAD!!! (Pics) - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012
IDK I THINK THESE MUHFUKKAZZ JUS WANT SUM FUKKIN DRAMA 2 Talk About And Start Up!!! FUCKKK THEM YOOO!!! OOOOOH SNAP!!! You Know Jada Pinkett Smiths Mom . . . That LOVELY Elegant Looking Lady . . . Well She Used To Be A BALTIMORE CRACKHEAD!!! (Pics) - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012
Rihanna Shows Off Her AMAZING LEGS . . . By Wearing An EXTRA SHORT SKIRT!!! - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012
VERY VERY VERY SEXY RI RI!!! I LUVVVV HUHHHHH YOOOO !!! Rihanna Shows Off Her AMAZING LEGS . . . By Wearing An EXTRA SHORT SKIRT!!! - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012
NUH UHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! A Father IMPREGNATES His Daughter . . . And Now He Wants To MARRY HER!! (Pics Of The SICKO) - MediaTakeOut.com™ 2012
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